Thursday, March 19, 2009

Top 11 Results Night...

Tonight was really tough for the top 11. The bottom three were Allison, Alexis, and Michael. I was expecting that Allison will be the first to be safe, and she really was. And then, for the two left, I really didn't know exactly who will be voted out.
Both their performance were okay for me, but not that great. So it's kinda okay for me too, no matter who will be out tonight.

And there you go, Alexis had the least votes. But the judges were thinking if they would consider saving her. So she sang again. The judges talked, and then came up with a decision which is precisely unanimous. It's the end of the road for Alexis.

Hmmm... So that's what happened.
We will no longer see Alexis for the next coming weeks.
But anyway, the good news for the 10 left contestants is that they will have their summer tour on.. uhh.. I just don't know the date. I won't be able to go there anyway. It's too impossible for me, right? hehe^_^
But I'm sure they will be showing on TV that summer tour of the top 10 next week.
So we might as well just wait for that.

By the way, next week, Idol will be showing on Wednesday and Thursday in the US, which is equivalent to Thursday and Friday here on my place.
Oh...What's that? Nothing important! I just wanna share some stuff...LOL